
What is a fair living wage right now?

The average cost of a 2 bedroom apartment according to is just over $1900.00 Based on 2 income earners, what is enough? $20 hourly? $25? It seems a bit maddening to hear all this crap online and on TV about how no one wants to work, but there are still places that want to pay less than $20. No wonder that over 5 million people are behind on rent nationally. Employers need to recognize they will have to pay more to get and keep workers. Rent. April 2023 Rent Report – Rent. Research

The average cost of a 2 bedroom apartment according to is just over $1900.00 Based on 2 income earners, what is enough? $20 hourly? $25? It seems a bit maddening to hear all this crap online and on TV about how no one wants to work, but there are still places that want to pay less than $20. No wonder that over 5 million people are behind on rent nationally. Employers need to recognize they will have to pay more to get and keep workers.

Rent. April 2023 Rent Report – Rent. Research

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