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I was moving to another city with my friend and got a job. Literally the day I was suppose to start my friend changed her mind about letting me move in. I didn’t show up that day because I had to quickly get my stuff and move back in with my mom. A month later I have another job in the same field and go to this statewide convention and the manager of the job I didn’t show up to was there. I didn’t recognize her at first but man did she notice me immediately. She proceeded to lay into me for 10 minutes how she held this job for me, how the workers were excited to have me because they needed me, how unprofessional I was. So mortifying and I didn’t get a word in on how I was basically forced to not come cause homelessness. Later on saw…

I was moving to another city with my friend and got a job. Literally the day I was suppose to start my friend changed her mind about letting me move in. I didn’t show up that day because I had to quickly get my stuff and move back in with my mom. A month later I have another job in the same field and go to this statewide convention and the manager of the job I didn’t show up to was there. I didn’t recognize her at first but man did she notice me immediately. She proceeded to lay into me for 10 minutes how she held this job for me, how the workers were excited to have me because they needed me, how unprofessional I was. So mortifying and I didn’t get a word in on how I was basically forced to not come cause homelessness. Later on saw the workers I was suppose to work with there and explained why I did what I did but I was so anxious I almost
Puked. So that’s my fun story!

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