
I got yelled at and glared at by a coworker a few weeks ago and now HE’s ignoring ME.

I'm a pharmacy technician in a hospital and 2 weeks ago, I got glared at twice because I was “pushing back.” The situation was, he asked me to do something while I was in the middle of another task, and I responded with, “Sure, do you not have access?” He rolled his eyes and did it himself. We are a VERY small hospital, and the pharmacists here really don't have much to do. He spends his days reading articles, texting his wife, checking out property on google maps, listening to Joe Rogan's podcast. When I “pushed back” and he glared at me with the most malicious face I hadn't seen since my abusive relationship, I said “don't fucking glare at me like that.” He responded with “do what I fucking ask you to do then!” It ended with him apologizing and saying they're getting a lot of pushback from their…

I'm a pharmacy technician in a hospital and 2 weeks ago, I got glared at twice because I was “pushing back.” The situation was, he asked me to do something while I was in the middle of another task, and I responded with, “Sure, do you not have access?” He rolled his eyes and did it himself.

We are a VERY small hospital, and the pharmacists here really don't have much to do. He spends his days reading articles, texting his wife, checking out property on google maps, listening to Joe Rogan's podcast. When I “pushed back” and he glared at me with the most malicious face I hadn't seen since my abusive relationship, I said “don't fucking glare at me like that.” He responded with “do what I fucking ask you to do then!”

It ended with him apologizing and saying they're getting a lot of pushback from their daughter at home. I responded with “that is not my problem and you need to figure out how to deal with that at home.” I was so upset that I went and cried in the bathroom. He left while I was gone and I hadn't seen him until yesterday.

Yesterday he didn't say two words to me. I didn't say anything to him either but what the hell. I'm the one who should be pissed in this situation. What does he have to be pissed about?

I'm transferring to another hospital in a few weeks and it's the only thing keeping me going. Fuck this guy.

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