
I work in the automation and AI sector. No, everyone isn’t going to lose their jobs.

I’m a computer engineer and have worked with some big players in the automation and AI industry. I currently work for a company that builds automated tooling to replace workers in the manufacturing sector. There is a lot of fear about AI right now, but keep in mind that narrow AI isn’t going to suddenly collapse the market. People and businesses adapt, and some people WILL lose their jobs, but most other positions will just change to accommodate the new technologies. For example, it won’t be AI replacing lawyers, it will be lawyers who use AI replacing lawyers who don’t. It’s akin to when micro computers replaced mini computers. Everyone panicked and thought that everyone was going to be replaced with a computer… it didn’t happen. People who used computers replaced those who didn't. My industry is focused on replacing low paid unskilled labour, and trivial office jobs like administration,…

I’m a computer engineer and have worked with some big players in the automation and AI industry. I currently work for a company that builds automated tooling to replace workers in the manufacturing sector.

There is a lot of fear about AI right now, but keep in mind that narrow AI isn’t going to suddenly collapse the market. People and businesses adapt, and some people WILL lose their jobs, but most other positions will just change to accommodate the new technologies. For example, it won’t be AI replacing lawyers, it will be lawyers who use AI replacing lawyers who don’t.

It’s akin to when micro computers replaced mini computers. Everyone panicked and thought that everyone was going to be replaced with a computer… it didn’t happen. People who used computers replaced those who didn't.

My industry is focused on replacing low paid unskilled labour, and trivial office jobs like administration, data entry, or entry level programmers. Yes, thousands of jobs will be lost, but thousands will be created, and people will adapt and move on. This isn’t some ‘job apocalypse’ like people think it is. If you already have a high paying skilled job, you’re likely not going to be replaced by AI anytime soon. If you work in food, service, or manufacturing though… you might want to think about shifting careers sooner rather than later.

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