
Mormon businesses

Backstory – Yesterday at work my direct supervisor was giving a presentation (we use macOS at work) and he forgot to silence notifications on his MacBook. Sure enough, right in the middle of the presentation the top right notification goes off from the Calendar App and in big letters it read, “PAY TITHING”. I know this is a thing in their cult, but I was so stunned that it happens so openly and they don't see any issue with this. It's essentially a 19th century subscription membership. Just had to share, was curious on anyone else's thoughts… I work in Arizona and since 2004 I've worked at three companies with full on mormon owners. I'm noticing a massive pattern here. Look, I'm an Atheist, but I at least try to tolerate people even if I know they're putting on a face, it happens. However I've noticed that almost universally when…

Backstory – Yesterday at work my direct supervisor was giving a presentation (we use macOS at work) and he forgot to silence notifications on his MacBook. Sure enough, right in the middle of the presentation the top right notification goes off from the Calendar App and in big letters it read, “PAY TITHING”. I know this is a thing in their cult, but I was so stunned that it happens so openly and they don't see any issue with this. It's essentially a 19th century subscription membership.

Just had to share, was curious on anyone else's thoughts… I work in Arizona and since 2004 I've worked at three companies with full on mormon owners. I'm noticing a massive pattern here. Look, I'm an Atheist, but I at least try to tolerate people even if I know they're putting on a face, it happens. However I've noticed that almost universally when I run into mormons in the work context that, I guess because they are at their own controlled business, they feel they can be much more authoritarian than they can in the general public?

I currently work at a company that I am extremely grateful to have landed a job at, they pay well, it's close by and I actually do enjoy going to work for. However, as you could probably guess, the one exception to this is that my direct supervisor is very much mormon, like, you can clearly see the magic underpants through his shirts mormon. He's a good guy and all, but given my history of working under them (tyrannical, suspicious, extremely open about their discrimination, paranoid, conspiracy theorist ridden), I can't help but feel that he's being, “held back” simply because there are too many bosses above him that don't share his beliefs. Am I just reading into this too much?

The previous bosses I've had that were mormon had all the same ticks. They were extremely open about their beliefs, made sure that you (the non-mormon) felt alienated and put in different departments, frequently loaned out work to their family (either paid under the table or in one case, out right receiving non-taxed paycheques even though they didn't legally work for the company) and often had ZERO problem firing you for nothing more than thinking you were actually a threat to them because you had a certain sticker on your car.

What a way to begin my day today…

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