
Huel says drink your meals

I just saw this ad for Huel (the meal replacement/ supplement drink) saying functioning adults will only have time for fun if they drink their product rather than I dunno… having a four day work week?!?! Even England proved it with their 4 day week test. Like, 97% of employers (correct me if I'm wrong please!) Didn't want to go back. It even made them more money! I'm just sick of seeing these types of things subliminally promoting people keeping their heads down and degrading themselves for their corporate overlords.

I just saw this ad for Huel (the meal replacement/ supplement drink) saying functioning adults will only have time for fun if they drink their product rather than I dunno… having a four day work week?!?! Even England proved it with their 4 day week test. Like, 97% of employers (correct me if I'm wrong please!) Didn't want to go back. It even made them more money!

I'm just sick of seeing these types of things subliminally promoting people keeping their heads down and degrading themselves for their corporate overlords.

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