
Never be overly loyal to the company you work for, because they aren’t going to be loyal to you!

Worked for my current company for almost 5 years now, I'm the longest tenured employee within my department with atleast 3 years on other employees. I've been here through 4 managers, 15 co-workers and have over 12 years of experience 2 of which were as a supervisor role. In the first 3 years I never got a raise or a bonus, I got fucked over during covid being one of the only employees to come into work while sales staff were kept at home and paid the same amount of reduces hours as me (30). I've stayed late probably over 100 times eventhough I have a family waiting for me at home and stuff to do. My manager of 1.5years got let go due to his performance (he didn't know as much as he claimed to). Previous to that my supervisor left and I was promised the role, I propped…

Worked for my current company for almost 5 years now, I'm the longest tenured employee within my department with atleast 3 years on other employees. I've been here through 4 managers, 15 co-workers and have over 12 years of experience 2 of which were as a supervisor role.

In the first 3 years I never got a raise or a bonus, I got fucked over during covid being one of the only employees to come into work while sales staff were kept at home and paid the same amount of reduces hours as me (30). I've stayed late probably over 100 times eventhough I have a family waiting for me at home and stuff to do.

My manager of 1.5years got let go due to his performance (he didn't know as much as he claimed to). Previous to that my supervisor left and I was promised the role, I propped up my department during the absence of a supervisor for almost a year eventhough we were short 2 people in my department. I had met with my manager and discussed my promotion, I was already doing the work and was ready to get paid like I was.

Well, my company hired a manager with 3 years experience in my field, at a place with way less volume and work load. Honestly he's a dick and I hate working with him, acts like he is better than everyone else, has a ivy league degree in something completely unrelated and lived off his daddies money his whole life. Brags to his employees who's hours he just cut that he doesn't need to work because he has so much money and his house is paid off.

Well, as I found out last week they hired an external applicant for the supervisor position, he has 0 experience in the setting we work in and a few years related experience, but apparently because he was in the army that somehow means he deserved the position over me as I wasn't even interviewed officially.

I know this is a rant so here's a

TLDR: Was promised a promotion, took on the workload of the position for almost a year, new management hires someone externally, less qualified and experienced because they both were in the army.

Don't be loyal to the company you work for because you're truly just a tool for them that they will misuse and abuse as much as they can.

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