
DAE scroll Indeed, find something, and mindlessly click “apply” as if you’re liking a post online?

I'm so numb to rejections or not being answered that I feel like I need to show the same attitude towards these companies. I'll see something that looks even the slightest bit remotely like something I might be interested in or have experience with and hit “apply” mindlessly, then move on. Maybe if I keep tossing my resume out there it'll stick. It doesn't feel like my job search is productive anymore, it feels exactly like I'm scrolling through reddit and upvoting somewhat interesting posts before moving to the next one right away. It really feels like a hopeless endeavor.

I'm so numb to rejections or not being answered that I feel like I need to show the same attitude towards these companies. I'll see something that looks even the slightest bit remotely like something I might be interested in or have experience with and hit “apply” mindlessly, then move on. Maybe if I keep tossing my resume out there it'll stick. It doesn't feel like my job search is productive anymore, it feels exactly like I'm scrolling through reddit and upvoting somewhat interesting posts before moving to the next one right away. It really feels like a hopeless endeavor.

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