
How tf do I work with chronic illness when no one wants to hire a talentless, sick kid?

For context, I have multiple health conditions that make work a challenge for me. I am in bad pain some days, can’t always lift heavy things or walk very much, etc. I am a college student and I take food service jobs because it’s the only thing I’m really qualified for, and I started taking them before my medical issues were so bad. I also have very severe adhd. I keep running into a problem where I start a new job, I show up and everything is great. But then something will happen, either a physical or mental health problem and I’ll have to call out. And my employer will react negatively, which makes me scared to call out again. So the next time I feel sick I force myself to go to work, but then I end up having to leave early due to illness. So then the next…

For context, I have multiple health conditions that make work a challenge for me. I am in bad pain some days, can’t always lift heavy things or walk very much, etc. I am a college student and I take food service jobs because it’s the only thing I’m really qualified for, and I started taking them before my medical issues were so bad. I also have very severe adhd. I keep running into a problem where I start a new job, I show up and everything is great. But then something will happen, either a physical or mental health problem and I’ll have to call out. And my employer will react negatively, which makes me scared to call out again. So the next time I feel sick I force myself to go to work, but then I end up having to leave early due to illness. So then the next time I have to work, I’m scared to even go in, because what if I feel sick and have leave again. But I cannot speak to my employer plainly because I have had employers backhandedly threaten to fire me if my medical problems are “going to be ongoing.” Which…you know, they are, but obviously I don’t want to tell people upfront because they probably won’t hire me. I just don’t know what to do, there is nothing objectively wrong with my job and I’m not even that sick, I just start to resent them so quickly.

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