
Management Is Just Daily Pep Rallies

I've recently come to realize just how much of a farce management really is. I basically just report the same thing every day in my meetings and no one bats an eye or follows up. I can work on the same thing for weeks at a time without anyone noticing. Management never has enough work anyways and I could complete all of it without my team in a week. Anyone could do it all in a week. We're just not interested in being rewarded with more work or seeing a coworker let go because there isn't enough to do. Management thinks they're hauling a** and keeping us busy. They see our metrics continue to tick over and they see the completed tasks increment regularly. They hear the buzz words they want to hear at our meetings and we all keep what we have to say brief because we're so “busy”…

I've recently come to realize just how much of a farce management really is. I basically just report the same thing every day in my meetings and no one bats an eye or follows up. I can work on the same thing for weeks at a time without anyone noticing. Management never has enough work anyways and I could complete all of it without my team in a week. Anyone could do it all in a week. We're just not interested in being rewarded with more work or seeing a coworker let go because there isn't enough to do.

Management thinks they're hauling a** and keeping us busy. They see our metrics continue to tick over and they see the completed tasks increment regularly. They hear the buzz words they want to hear at our meetings and we all keep what we have to say brief because we're so “busy” all the time. All they know is they see money flow in and the workers report good words.

All the meetings, all the communication and coordination, all the reports…it's all just miniature pep rallies. The highest echelons of the corporate ladders are just cheerleaders and motivational speakers. They're trying to sell the brand to their own employees to the point of wanting to trade your time for the honor of being in the presence of the brand alone because a successful person doesn't need recognition or payment, just the opportunity to show their dedication to the brand. Just generic motivational speaker formulas.

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