
Do the rich and powerful work as hard as they claim?

This is from another post i made on latestagecapitalism but it was removed, low karma. I also added to it. Anyway. I have a friend, we disagree on a bit. He loves this guy named Elon Musk. You may of heard of him. Elon Musk claims to work 120 hours a week, which is about 17 hours a day give or take. He praises the glorious paradise of china, every tankies dream society, for working so many sweet sweet hours. While calling Americans weak and lazy, unwilling to work hard. “They won’t just be burning the midnight oil, they will be burning the 3am oil, they won’t even leave the factory type of thing, whereas in America people are trying to avoid going to work at all.” Not leaving the factory is right, they have been known to literally sleep on the factory floor at his tesla plant, and wake…

This is from another post i made on latestagecapitalism but it was removed, low karma. I also added to it. Anyway.

I have a friend, we disagree on a bit.

He loves this guy named Elon Musk. You may of heard of him.

Elon Musk claims to work 120 hours a week, which is about 17 hours a day give or take. He praises the glorious paradise of china, every tankies dream society, for working so many sweet sweet hours. While calling Americans weak and lazy, unwilling to work hard.

“They won’t just be burning the midnight oil, they will be burning the 3am oil, they won’t even leave the factory type of thing, whereas in America people are trying to avoid going to work at all.”

Not leaving the factory is right, they have been known to literally sleep on the factory floor at his tesla plant, and wake up bright and early to build some car parts.

But, they only work 6 to 7 days a week, 12 hour days…. I mean Elon bro hes putting in 17! He clearly earned all that wealth.

Overwork gets so much praise by these rich parasites that I actually wonder if they “work hard” like they claim.

Even my coworkers preach this stuff, “im tryna work all the hours!”, “ill work 7 days a week!!!!!!” and they do indeed call anyone wanting a day off lazy.

I actually get bullied at work often, I actually work hard to be able to only have to have 40 hours a week, and my production rate is higher than my other coworkers, BUT im the lazy one, the weak one, theyll purposefully work slower to get overtime scheduled.

Im also in college too. So having days off is necessary for me to grow and learn. “Why not just drop out and work overtime? Its the same thing? Overtime is more money!” my coworkers will say.

How is a worker supposed to grow? To learn new skills, educate oneself, without time off work?

I personally dont think these CEOs, these billionaires, work hard. But I dont have any evidence.

I dont know what Elon Musk does all day, although he does seem to have time to post on twitter quite often indeed. But people worship these folks, and part of the reason I believe is because the american working class is so ignorant no offense, but most my coworkers never graduated high school, they see wages as their whole life. Alexander Berkman mentioned this, the great anarchist thinker and radical, bless his soul.

Alexander Berkman once said that ” So, what becomes of your freedom? What can you do with it? Can you do more with it than your wages permit? Can’t you see that your wage — your salary or income — is all the freedom that you have? Your freedom, your liberty, don’t go a step further than the wages you get. “

So these people sit there and think “well, to have money, i gotta work for wages, so for the rich to have money, they must of WORKED REALLY HARD!!!!” and i honestly think thats as far as their thinking goes.

Im sick of tired of being surrounded by people who hate me, being worked to death, and living in this system.

Ive been bullied in every workplace ive toiled at. All factories and warehouses. Called lazy, weak, the R word has been thrown around, i get accused of having autism.

Sorry about this post, a lot of it was ranting, but the main question is if these billionaires and rich lords actually “earned” this wealth. Maybe… they work SUPER hard! and we lowly plebs just cant even comprehend their work ethic.

But i doubt….

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