I have to quit my job. I love teaching. I love children.
But the job is making me have panic attacks (in morning from having to go back) and breakdowns that I’ve never had before. I’m 30.
I work 8am-5pm…with an unpaid 90min lunch in the middle of my day – after I get the kids down for nap, I go on a lunch break while they are napping. Seems like a win for the company I work for but literally makes the only prep time I have during the day unpaid.
While I’m on the clock: I can not sit down, have my phone nor smart watch(duh) or do anything that isn’t constant work (redirecting temper tantrum, making plates and serving food(18 plates and 18 cups of milk/water- 4 times a day..at least for scheduled meals and snacks, teaching curriculum or whatever activity is on the schedule/ all planned and executed by me.) a kid runs in the classroom and won’t listen- I get written up. A kid climbs the shelf and won’t get down: I get written up. My room is dirty bc I didn’t get a chance to mop but only sweep the floors after the third meal of the school day: I get written up.
I have no help in the room.
It’s me and 18 4 year olds – all day. Beside the break inget when I get them down for nap (I work to put nap mats down, get 18 blankets out of back packs and pat the kids that won’t sleep to sleep- and once all the kids are asleep: I may clock out and take a lunch. Lol
Instead of giving me that time on clock to prep for the second half of the day.
I’m on camera all day every day. Parents calling the room if they see something they don’t like. Admin calling for same.
I have to pester the front office for a restroom break when I need one.
I’m supposed to get off at 5 but lately they are just keeping me until 6 or later. Without telling me. And it’s not like I can just walk out of the room and leave all those kids alone(I think I could get barred from ever teaching again) but like the won’t bother saying “hey we need you stay until 6 today- “ then giving me a chance to make arrangements for my children. My autistic son was home alone in the front yard the other day and I did everything icould to leave- but they kept me prisoner until 6:30. So my son was alone for 1.5hrs and my phone isn’t allowed in classroom so I wasn’t able to call my neighbors or any supports to watch after him. (I have 3 kids. One had after school obligation (she is 13), my middle son is 10 and has autism and is the one who got off the after school program bus to a locked door(I was so worried/he’s a wanderer) and my youngest is 4 and is with me at work)
I feel taken advantage of. I keep working there bc I have a 4 year old and I get free child care and I make $14 and hr.
What is something I could do – even having my 4 year old all day- that could supplement my income?
I’m dying at work.
Constant horrible stress accompanied by horrid admin.