
Question for those that have seen it/experienced it in the healthcare field: have you been in a strike before?

Let’s just say many things are happening in the sterile processing department right now, all correlated to a certain brand new toxic manager. It’s been 3 weeks and it’s only getting worse. To the point of counter-productivity due to this manager’s decisions. We’ve ALL contacted as much of the chain of command as we could, including HR, and nothing will be done. Of course not, because they think we’re piles of shit that do nothing right. Honestly we can only go so high in command, cause honestly we all know anyone executive and in upper management could care less about who’s working in these hospitals. In all specialties. So… this is just personal research 🙂 what have you guys done if you’ve been on strike? Or went somewhere for a strike contract? What did they do to strike? Were there results? Just would like to know 🙂

Let’s just say many things are happening in the sterile processing department right now, all correlated to a certain brand new toxic manager. It’s been 3 weeks and it’s only getting worse. To the point of counter-productivity due to this manager’s decisions. We’ve ALL contacted as much of the chain of command as we could, including HR, and nothing will be done. Of course not, because they think we’re piles of shit that do nothing right. Honestly we can only go so high in command, cause honestly we all know anyone executive and in upper management could care less about who’s working in these hospitals. In all specialties. So… this is just personal research 🙂 what have you guys done if you’ve been on strike? Or went somewhere for a strike contract? What did they do to strike? Were there results? Just would like to know 🙂

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