
I was terminated from my most recent job – will a background check ask my last employer why I left?

For context, prior to this job, I had spent my last 4 years working in logistics, transportation and supply chain, a field I re-discovered how much I love. I took a chance on switching industries (live entertainment) and to re-locate to be closer to my partner's family and mine. Within the first 2 months I could tell this wasn't where I wanted to take my career and that the growth opportunities were extremely limited. My manager also wasn't the best at communicating or managing. Eventually, I was put on a PIP and then terminated (despite following up in one-on-ones to ask and ensure if I was on track). On a personal level, I got along super well with HR, my co-workers (many have texted me saying they didn't see it coming and would be happy to offer a reference) and I had a decent relationship with my boss – she…

For context, prior to this job, I had spent my last 4 years working in logistics, transportation and supply chain, a field I re-discovered how much I love. I took a chance on switching industries (live entertainment) and to re-locate to be closer to my partner's family and mine. Within the first 2 months I could tell this wasn't where I wanted to take my career and that the growth opportunities were extremely limited. My manager also wasn't the best at communicating or managing. Eventually, I was put on a PIP and then terminated (despite following up in one-on-ones to ask and ensure if I was on track). On a personal level, I got along super well with HR, my co-workers (many have texted me saying they didn't see it coming and would be happy to offer a reference) and I had a decent relationship with my boss – she just sucked at being a boss. I was actually sort of relieved when they sat me down to escort me and didn't make any kind of scene, and thanked them for the opportunity/time.

All in all, I was only there for 5 months and kept it on my resume to address any gaps between now and that time/ show that I'm local in the area.

Fast-forward to now and I've been taking great phone screens and getting second interviews with hiring managers for some great companies in the exact field I wanted (I know, I should've waited a bit and done this instead, even if I was worried about not having a local address).

During these conversations, I've highlighted that I've been inspired and itching to get back into this industry, which is absolutely true. I pointed out that I was let go after the sports season and when the higher-ups were reviewing budget (also true). I didn't specify that I was terminated or fired, and didn't say whether I was on a contract or laid off – only that I was not retained following this period.

My concern is that many of these companies require background checks upon offer. I've seen some differing answers that some places will ask only to verify my period and months of employment, which are accurate on my resume. I've also seen that some ask if I was fired and could possibly prevent me from getting an offer. I do not have a criminal record and with everywhere I've worked before here, I've left on wonderful terms.

I guess I'm mostly just looking for peace of mind and if the background check can cause an offer to be rescinded. And if so, if there's anything that can be done.

TL;DR – Got fired from a job I hated; still have positive connections from there, didn't state that I was fired or laid off, just that I am not working there. Outside of that I have a clean record but am wondering if a background check will ask employers why I'm no longer there. Am I screwed?

Thanks r/antiwork!

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