
A little barista rant <3

I’m a barista- well, training to be one. Former food service experience and all! They hired me quickly, warned me they were understaffed, and then I started my first training shift. I’ve had two shift so far and as much as I hate the idea of being forced to work to exist, I really like this place. Now the bad part- only two shifts in, mind you. I’m taken off the schedule entirely. It took two messages to my manager (the one who makes the schedule) to figure out what was happening: they hired too many people and now my schedule would be discussed Tuesday. (They’re still interviewing btw) At this point, I’m pissed off and might as well apply for their competitors across town…my cafe needs to get their shit together.

I’m a barista- well, training to be one. Former food service experience and all! They hired me quickly, warned me they were understaffed, and then I started my first training shift. I’ve had two shift so far and as much as I hate the idea of being forced to work to exist, I really like this place.
Now the bad part- only two shifts in, mind you. I’m taken off the schedule entirely. It took two messages to my manager (the one who makes the schedule) to figure out what was happening: they hired too many people and now my schedule would be discussed Tuesday. (They’re still interviewing btw)

At this point, I’m pissed off and might as well apply for their competitors across town…my cafe needs to get their shit together.

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