
Just got fired less than 2 days before the end of my one year probation period.

Hi y'all, first time this has ever happened to me. I started working for TSA one year ago, and honestly I should've listened to the red flags I was seeing when I started. But I was too blinded by hopes of a decent work schedule and rumors of a pay raise. Then I got stuck on the 4AM start time, and was stuck there. Waking up that early has to be the most grueling thing. Anyways, I was trying to survive my schedule, waiting for the next shift bid, which was to start the same day I hit my one year, which would've also entitled me to a bonus as well. But I called out semi frequently as I wasn't getting enough sleep, or on some nights, no sleep at all. There's honestly nothing worse that laying in bed in the dark trying to fall asleep for 8 plus hours.…

Hi y'all, first time this has ever happened to me. I started working for TSA one year ago, and honestly I should've listened to the red flags I was seeing when I started. But I was too blinded by hopes of a decent work schedule and rumors of a pay raise. Then I got stuck on the 4AM start time, and was stuck there. Waking up that early has to be the most grueling thing. Anyways, I was trying to survive my schedule, waiting for the next shift bid, which was to start the same day I hit my one year, which would've also entitled me to a bonus as well. But I called out semi frequently as I wasn't getting enough sleep, or on some nights, no sleep at all. There's honestly nothing worse that laying in bed in the dark trying to fall asleep for 8 plus hours. After a meeting 3 months into the shift and an informal meeting about 3 weeks ago, they fired me literally two days before my shift change to evenings, and two days before I would've gotten off probation and a $1000 bonus. If you've ever considered working for TSA, run the other way. They'll chew you up and spit you out when they're done with you.

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