
Life is becoming more expensive every year, is capitalism to blame?

I honestly don’t know where this situation is going but I’m literally starting to get anxiety for the future. Everything is going up in price year after year with no good justification. Businesses will use minuscule wage raises to justify price hikes what simply don’t add up. Don’t you think that if a business uses raises as an excuse to raise prices, there should be some kind of law that holds them accountable and prevents them from profiting from these raises? Like they should give ALL the excess profits to their workers or bring the prices back down if their charge ups bring more in that what they projected? Why are there so little consumer protections? It seems like our government (US) doesn’t give a shit about the little guy. We’ve turned into the “haves and have nots” dystopian society we have feared. How is a human being supposed to…

I honestly don’t know where this situation is going but I’m literally starting to get anxiety for the future. Everything is going up in price year after year with no good justification. Businesses will use minuscule wage raises to justify price hikes what simply don’t add up. Don’t you think that if a business uses raises as an excuse to raise prices, there should be some kind of law that holds them accountable and prevents them from profiting from these raises? Like they should give ALL the excess profits to their workers or bring the prices back down if their charge ups bring more in that what they projected?
Why are there so little consumer protections?

It seems like our government (US) doesn’t give a shit about the little guy. We’ve turned into the “haves and have nots” dystopian society we have feared. How is a human being supposed to survive with the price of rent, gas, food and entertainment? Have y’all been to a bar lately and seen the prices of drinks? Movie subscription companies keep increasing prices, internet prices going through the roof. Not only do you have to work like a slave to get by, but all the human coping mechanisms (entertainment) are also becoming prohibitively expensive which makes working these hours even less tolerable.

No wonder gun violence is hiking as more and more people are becoming indignant about the future. What is there to live for any more? People are losing their minds with how bad the future looks.

Personally I am not gonna cater to the people who run this forum, I’m not a socialist or a communist because these systems can be just as bad in other ways, but man capitalism feels like a shitshow right now. Without actual representation for the poor, the rich just own the government basically and can do whatever they feel like. The stock market needs to be revised because it turns businesses into blood sucking entities without moral compass and cost to entry for new businesses simply too high. Also generational wealth and inheritance need to be revised.

I am very pessimistic for the future, nothing we do I fear is going to have any effect, the future is looking grim

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