
If I see another article blaming lost productivity on WFH, I might lose it.

I don’t know how to handle this rage outside of having an urge to comment on every damn article like a troll. You want to know what’s driving lost productivity? Wages. That’s it. I am sick of seeing CEOs making so much more than rank and file workers. I’m tired of seeing each level do what they can to keep the level below them down. “When I started in ‘that’ job, I got paid $10/hour.” That was over 20 years ago and we should be paying our new hires at least $19/hour if you want to use that base. We are fighting over pennies and small portions of the pie while we should be demanding CEOs and top leadership adjust their wages to a more equitable split. We finished paying out a severance package and have that full salary budgeted for the rest of the year. I suggested we use…

I don’t know how to handle this rage outside of having an urge to comment on every damn article like a troll. You want to know what’s driving lost productivity? Wages. That’s it. I am sick of seeing CEOs making so much more than rank and file workers. I’m tired of seeing each level do what they can to keep the level below them down. “When I started in ‘that’ job, I got paid $10/hour.” That was over 20 years ago and we should be paying our new hires at least $19/hour if you want to use that base.

We are fighting over pennies and small portions of the pie while we should be demanding CEOs and top leadership adjust their wages to a more equitable split. We finished paying out a severance package and have that full salary budgeted for the rest of the year. I suggested we use that to raise the pay of the lower paid employees or add an extra flat, one-time bonus for every single employee and got laughed at. They’re going to buy back vacation hours instead. Fantastic. I didn’t need time off for my mental wellness anyways.

You want to fix lost productivity?

I can guarantee it’s not going to be fixed by bringing everyone back to the office or working on company culture or employee engagement. Just pay people and take it from the top salaries preferably. It’ll be great for optics.

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