
Boss said that I need to be more proactive during work

I recently found my first job as an intern in a company in a different field from what I study in college and my career plans. I've been there for a month now, and in the feedback, my boss said that I need to be more proactive and provide more updates on what I'm doing during work because it seems like I'm not delivering results. The problem is: I try to be more proactive, but since the topic is different from what I already know, I feel REALLY lost. Now I m feeling so dismotivated, but I need the job. idk, sometimes my boss wants me to study outside of the job about the topic and sometimes I just do operational things…Just venting and wanting to hear opinions, how was your first job experience?

I recently found my first job as an intern in a company in a different field from what I study in college and my career plans. I've been there for a month now, and in the feedback, my boss said that I need to be more proactive and provide more updates on what I'm doing during work because it seems like I'm not delivering results. The problem is: I try to be more proactive, but since the topic is different from what I already know, I feel REALLY lost. Now I m feeling so dismotivated, but I need the job. idk, sometimes my boss wants me to study outside of the job about the topic and sometimes I just do operational things…Just venting and wanting to hear opinions, how was your first job experience?

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