
Sick days on probation period

So I got a little story about my new workplace (not even mentioning the industry because I'm scared of being detected and have an unfair disadvantage later). I started this Monday at the company. Everyone (including both of my bosses) were really welcoming, the learning experience has been going well and I had no problems with anything up until this morning. I noticed that my ear started to hurt which is a reccuring problem in my life, has been for quite a while but it always needs a trigger. Some sort of infection or some unclean thing that was on my head for a long time. Then I realized, the company gave me someone's used headphones which I wore for at least 4-6 hours each day since Monday. They were probably not disinfected by IT or anyone, this might have even been the first time they've been used since COVID…

So I got a little story about my new workplace (not even mentioning the industry because I'm scared of being detected and have an unfair disadvantage later).

I started this Monday at the company. Everyone (including both of my bosses) were really welcoming, the learning experience has been going well and I had no problems with anything up until this morning.

I noticed that my ear started to hurt which is a reccuring problem in my life, has been for quite a while but it always needs a trigger. Some sort of infection or some unclean thing that was on my head for a long time. Then I realized, the company gave me someone's used headphones which I wore for at least 4-6 hours each day since Monday. They were probably not disinfected by IT or anyone, this might have even been the first time they've been used since COVID happened. That's already a pretty nasty story but it doesn't stop there.

I went in today despite being deaf on my left ear. That was my stupidity but since I'm the newest hire I wasn't going to ruin my reputation by already calling in sick. I asked my boss for an appointment, who was very supportive and later this afternoon we talked about my issues. He said that health comes first and we'll sort things out when my health is better and we can talk about how I'm going to settle those sick day(s) when I have to wait for appointments at the hospital and since a long holiday season is coming up, my next opportunity to fix my problem is on next Tuesday. Or I should've been smarter and gone to the hospital today instead of going to work. But again, that was my stupidity.

My boss jokingly added that I can go in those extra hours I'm going to miss because of being sick. Well first I thought he might be serious. He's required by law to give me sick days even on probation period, since Monday I have my insurance paid for and everything so I'm entitled for healthcare and to have sick leave. Still it would leave a bitter taste in my mouth that if I had to go in and do extra work because of the company might have been negligent on the equipment front. Of course I have no way of proving that the headphones caused the issues, it might also be allergies or catching a cold at the wrong time. I might just be blowing things up for no reason. My boss seemed like a really decent guy and he's loved in the office all around so on his comment it might also be a misunderstanding on my part. Just wondering if anyone here has been in a similar situation and if so how was it solved.

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