
Difficult one

Hi all. I’m a 25 year old from male from the U.K. and I have worked since I was 16. I have never had an issue with working long hours or shitty jobs as I’m used to it. I come from quite a lower class family, however, I do have ambitions. Mainly to be happy. I’ve worked a few jobs in my short time, tyre fitter, shop supervisor, sales advisor, security. I’ve always liked the idea of being a working man and providing for myself and my girlfriend. But as of recent I’ve had 2 pretty shit diagnosis of type 1 diabetes and epilepsy. Having to manage these two have taken their toll. I’m constantly exhausted, constantly day dreaming about the day I won’t have to drag myself around for 10 hours until going home to appreciate the silence. I don’t know if I’m depressed, or if I’m naturally feeling…

Hi all. I’m a 25 year old from male from the U.K. and I have worked since I was 16.

I have never had an issue with working long hours or shitty jobs as I’m used to it. I come from quite a lower class family, however, I do have ambitions. Mainly to be happy.

I’ve worked a few jobs in my short time, tyre fitter, shop supervisor, sales advisor, security. I’ve always liked the idea of being a working man and providing for myself and my girlfriend. But as of recent I’ve had 2 pretty shit diagnosis of type 1 diabetes and epilepsy. Having to manage these two have taken their toll. I’m constantly exhausted, constantly day dreaming about the day I won’t have to drag myself around for 10 hours until going home to appreciate the silence. I don’t know if I’m depressed, or if I’m naturally feeling shit because my life circumstances are pretty shit at the moment. I really want to quit my job, I do not want to work for a company anymore, I get a shit pay every month, and they don’t realise I’m literally killing myself to work for them, and it’s me who is keeping my job there, there’s no legal obligation. I’m choosing to hand my health over in exchange for money that I can’t even use or have spare from. I have no life with these disabilities as it is, the only time I feel somewhat at ease is when I have a day off and time to properly manage my meal times etc to save my sugars from trying to do me in. I’ll have a nice sunday, get things all in range then boom back to work and everything is all over the place. If I didn’t have diabetes I would quit today. And “survive” as some would say. But being diabetic I need money for whole grain food (that I don’t even like) in order to keep me alive. Sometimes I think just giving up on everything would be easier but that’s not an option for me, as I’m the only thing my mum has got and I’m here for her. I just don’t know what to do.

Is it possible to set up a small enough business from home to have an income?

I don’t want to be rich at all. Just happy with time to look after my health. Type 1 Diabetes management is like a full time job in it’s self. I am still willing to work. But I want meaning or something that will actually make others happy. I overcharge people on car parts to make a living currently, and I feel no pride in doing so. I made my company more than 700K in sales last year. I earn 22K a year after tax. I’m good at selling I suppose but surely there’s some way of helping others and making money too. If money was no such thing I’d spend my time helping the homeless and litter picking. No joke, I did it last summer in my spare time and I felt so fulfilled.

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