
On the verge of a mental fucking breakdown

I fucking hate my job. I also hate my dumb ass boss who hired me for her shithole department full of useless idiot morons knowing she was going on maternity leave. I hate the stupid fucking execs and people messaging me about dumb shit and stressing me the fuck out. Fuck this shit I fucking can’t do this anymore. Leaving fucking paragraphs full of directions that don’t make any fucking sense. Fuck this place

I fucking hate my job. I also hate my dumb ass boss who hired me for her shithole department full of useless idiot morons knowing she was going on maternity leave. I hate the stupid fucking execs and people messaging me about dumb shit and stressing me the fuck out. Fuck this shit I fucking can’t do this anymore. Leaving fucking paragraphs full of directions that don’t make any fucking sense. Fuck this place

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