
Customer calls Corporate; Can’t take a break until 9am.

First post on here and I also wanna preface this has to do with someone I know. It sounded crazy to me and even the manager of the restaurant is still upset and talking about the situation. Fake names of course. Leslie works as a waitress. Leslie is an opener at this restaurant so she comes in early and takes breaks early. However some regular customers who like Leslie want her to wait on them keep missing her because by the time they come in Leslie is on break. Which is a odd because her schedule hasn’t changed. Well, this upset them and they actually called corporate. They gave them a time frame as to when they come in which is roughly around 9:00am. Which is around when a 3rd waitress is on the floor. Now Leslie can’t have her break until that third waitress comes in. So it isn’t…

First post on here and I also wanna preface this has to do with someone I know. It sounded crazy to me and even the manager of the restaurant is still upset and talking about the situation.

Fake names of course.

Leslie works as a waitress.
Leslie is an opener at this restaurant so she comes in early and takes breaks early. However some regular customers who like Leslie want her to wait on them keep missing her because by the time they come in Leslie is on break.
Which is a odd because her schedule hasn’t changed.

Well, this upset them and they actually called corporate. They gave them a time frame as to when they come in which is roughly around 9:00am. Which is around when a 3rd waitress is on the floor. Now Leslie can’t have her break until that third waitress comes in.
So it isn’t like she has to wait until they come in but it is pretty close. Not to mention these pair of customers aren’t like some big tippers. They usually give her $5 which is a normal tip. This isn’t bad in itself but I would figure if you liked someone that much you’d pay more than that.

The silver lining is that to her, this just means someone likes her. She has garnered many regular customers as a waitress so people asking for her isn’t unusual. This situation however is. To me it doesn’t seem right for a customer having this level of control.
She isn’t really bothered. I suppose you could say I am bothered for her.

Seems I’m not the only one because according to her, her General Manager has continued to talk about it since she got the call a week ago in disbelief.

What do you all think?

Edit: I feel it was important to point out that the customers are an old married couple.

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