
Tipping culture is getting ridiculous!

Ok, hear me out. I think that crazy tipping culture stems from workers not being paid enough, so companies are turning to tipping culture to boost their workers’ income, so they don’t have to. Companies are also using tips to just boost their own profits. I was at a coffee shop. I hadn’t even got my drink yet, and the barista asks me if I want to leave a tip. I’ve never been seriously asked out loud for a tip. I said yes as I felt I had to and she asks how much…out loud. Like WTF? I have to announce to everyone how much I’m going to tip??? Then, I’m at the airport. I do self check out for 2 overpriced sandwiches at $32. It’s a self-checkout and it fucking asks me for a tip!! The self check out…asked me for a tip!!! Fuck this is pissing me off!!…

Ok, hear me out. I think that crazy tipping culture stems from workers not being paid enough, so companies are turning to tipping culture to boost their workers’ income, so they don’t have to. Companies are also using tips to just boost their own profits.

I was at a coffee shop. I hadn’t even got my drink yet, and the barista asks me if I want to leave a tip. I’ve never been seriously asked out loud for a tip. I said yes as I felt I had to and she asks how much…out loud. Like WTF? I have to announce to everyone how much I’m going to tip???

Then, I’m at the airport. I do self check out for 2 overpriced sandwiches at $32. It’s a self-checkout and it fucking asks me for a tip!! The self check out…asked me for a tip!!! Fuck this is pissing me off!!

I’m sick of fucking tipping culture. We used to tip service workers for good service. Now it is expected for every fucking transaction under the sun.

I used to be a waitress and bartender. I lived off my tips, so I get it. I’m a good tipper, too, when it is earned and appropriate.

Ok. Rant over.

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