
Sooo my situation has escalated

In the UK, you get your full employment rights after you've been in your workplace for 2 years. I've been in mine for 22 months. And they want to get rid of me. I just received a “warning”. The reasons? Someone saw me “playing on my phone”, once – they even specified a date lol – but for some reason didn't think it fitting to tell me there and then, instead waiting two weeks to write me a note? For two days within these 22 months I was unproductive I was sick for seven days within the past three months. I'd normally be happy that I can leave this super toxic workplace but I'm panicking I've got no savings, as this is a minimum wage job. What do I do? Any kind words?

In the UK, you get your full employment rights after you've been in your workplace for 2 years.

I've been in mine for 22 months. And they want to get rid of me.

I just received a “warning”. The reasons?

Someone saw me “playing on my phone”, once – they even specified a date lol – but for some reason didn't think it fitting to tell me there and then, instead waiting two weeks to write me a note?

For two days within these 22 months I was unproductive

I was sick for seven days within the past three months.

I'd normally be happy that I can leave this super toxic workplace but I'm panicking I've got no savings, as this is a minimum wage job. What do I do? Any kind words?

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