
What quality of life can (or should) be expected from not working?

Warning- I’ll preface this by saying I apologize if the nature of this question is insensitive to anyone who’s ever struggled with not having a home so take that into consideration before reading. There is no malice just curiosity. If you desire to clearly articulate how this might be insensitive so I could learn that would be helpful. ——————- It seems like a great thing that, even people who can’t contribute to society can benefit from it, and in many ways the vast majority of people do desire to contribute to the lives of others in some capacity (the unpaid labor of taking care of kids, family, helping friends, etc). I’m curious if anyone has voluntarily been homeless or drastically cut expenses in order to work less (sub 10 hours a week). I ask because it does seem possible to live such a life if someone forwent what many consider…


I’ll preface this by saying I apologize if the nature of this question is insensitive to anyone who’s ever struggled with not having a home so take that into consideration before reading. There is no malice just curiosity. If you desire to clearly articulate how this might be insensitive so I could learn that would be helpful.


It seems like a great thing that, even people who can’t contribute to society can benefit from it, and in many ways the vast majority of people do desire to contribute to the lives of others in some capacity (the unpaid labor of taking care of kids, family, helping friends, etc).

I’m curious if anyone has voluntarily been homeless or drastically cut expenses in order to work less (sub 10 hours a week).

I ask because it does seem possible to live such a life if someone forwent what many consider “should be” the standard to live like a roof (not without risk or difficulty of course).

I ask only because if there is no shame about being homeless and it’s a viable economic choice (albeit with risks) given the aim is just working less maybe some have done it.

Not everyone can make that choice but to those who can I also don’t inherently see the issue from the side of those who can’t without seeming unreasonable to me. If someone prefers a situation you don’t prefer and can (once seeing the realities) opt out that’s not inherently a slight in my opinion and can be interpreted as a sign of pride that one can endure something that is actually hard.

Please set me straight.

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