
Post-Memorial Day Blues

I had a nice family weekend, 3 whole days off. But, I got sad when my dad asked me to stop for happy meals on the way to his place (for my sister's kids). What made me sad was that McDonald's was open… they weren't the only ones either, most fast-food restaurants, Walgreens, WalMart, Kroger, even Home Depot was open. Can we make an agreement on this sub that we will do all holiday shopping we need to do on the 3rd of July so that every company in America actually loses money if they stay open on July 4th? We have to make it hurt their bottom line to stay open on holidays. Let's start with July 4th (USA only).

I had a nice family weekend, 3 whole days off.

But, I got sad when my dad asked me to stop for happy meals on the way to his place (for my sister's kids).

What made me sad was that McDonald's was open… they weren't the only ones either, most fast-food restaurants, Walgreens, WalMart, Kroger, even Home Depot was open.

Can we make an agreement on this sub that we will do all holiday shopping we need to do on the 3rd of July so that every company in America actually loses money if they stay open on July 4th?

We have to make it hurt their bottom line to stay open on holidays.

Let's start with July 4th (USA only).

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