
Do not work for raising cane’s (duh)!

I'm 25, my background is journalism and some sales. I found myself in a peculiar predicament (needed a job fast) and took a job at Raising Cane's… Where do I start. I was told $15 h/r was coming within the month and then two weeks in told it wasn't happening and I should be grateful at $12 h/r and also my Mother in-law had a stroke last week and we had to go out of town to help take care of my younger in-laws. I communicated all this to the franchise partner and when I got back from missing only two shifts instead of a “welcome back!” Because that's what this organization “prides' themselves on I was sent home early and then texted by the franchise partner saying “I don't know why you didn't make an effort to stay at work tonight. I don't care if they offered it to…

I'm 25, my background is journalism and some sales. I found myself in a peculiar predicament (needed a job fast) and took a job at Raising Cane's… Where do I start. I was told $15 h/r was coming within the month and then two weeks in told it wasn't happening and I should be grateful at $12 h/r and also my Mother in-law had a stroke last week and we had to go out of town to help take care of my younger in-laws. I communicated all this to the franchise partner and when I got back from missing only two shifts instead of a “welcome back!” Because that's what this organization “prides' themselves on I was sent home early and then texted by the franchise partner saying “I don't know why you didn't make an effort to stay at work tonight. I don't care if they offered it to you. I expect more from my crew member. Especially one who just missed two shifts.” First… I'm an educated adult, second you want me to “fight” YOUR manager? So you want all of us to beg?

The last straw is that when one of the managers found out I used to be a writer he become increasingly hostile almost as if he was jealous. “I'm sure Mr. Writer would love to do dishes!” And , “did they reach you to clean piss off a toilet? Hope so because you'll be doing it.” Got singled out alot. So I quit this morning. Said screw it. I do not recommend this place for an adult.

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