
New job not doing paperwork first day; is this bad?

Hello, first time poster! I am starting a new job in the a few weeks. When asked, my boss has said that I do not need to bring anything for paperwork for my first shift. (The wording makes me think that paperwork will be dealt with another time.) Is this a red flag? That first shift is during a busy time, and having lurked here a while I am worried that this will turn into something along the lines of ‘you don’t need to do paperwork til after training, because we aren’t paying you while training, but we’re going to benefit from your work during busy season’. Any experiences like this? This is just my first time starting a job without paperwork being done… or an orientation. I like the job, so I’m really hoping it works out.

Hello, first time poster!
I am starting a new job in the a few weeks. When asked, my boss has said that I do not need to bring anything for paperwork for my first shift. (The wording makes me think that paperwork will be dealt with another time.) Is this a red flag? That first shift is during a busy time, and having lurked here a while I am worried that this will turn into something along the lines of ‘you don’t need to do paperwork til after training, because we aren’t paying you while training, but we’re going to benefit from your work during busy season’. Any experiences like this? This is just my first time starting a job without paperwork being done… or an orientation. I like the job, so I’m really hoping it works out.

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