
I am finally free

I never thought I needed to hear that, it may be weird, but it is almost like leaving an abusive relationship. Hearing that you are free from the abuse, the harassment, the belittling bullshit,and everything in-between. No more getting screamed at by the Director of the company and CEO. No more 3:00AM drunk phone calls from the Director or his son. No more having the Director’s son hit on me and tell me to leave my spouse for him because they have money. No more missing family events,gatherings,weddings, and date nights with my spouse. No longer tied to a work phone that went off all hours of the day and night which pulled me away from everyone. No more being followed home, or worrying about angered staff trying to harm the other staff or myself via threats of our lives. No more worrying about having to making myself less feminine…

I never thought I needed to hear that, it may be weird, but it is almost like leaving an abusive relationship. Hearing that you are free from the abuse, the harassment, the belittling bullshit,and everything in-between.

No more getting screamed at by the Director of the company and CEO. No more 3:00AM drunk phone calls from the Director or his son. No more having the Director’s son hit on me and tell me to leave my spouse for him because they have money.

No more missing family events,gatherings,weddings, and date nights with my spouse. No longer tied to a work phone that went off all hours of the day and night which pulled me away from everyone.

No more being followed home, or worrying about angered staff trying to harm the other staff or myself via threats of our lives. No more worrying about having to making myself less feminine as a fear of my safety.

Lastly, no more worrying about myself worth, no more worrying about staff coming in ill and making a mockery of those who fear of falling ill. No more pain, anguish, and wondering constantly if I would be laid off or get a pay raise as I was always threatened that I did not meet some made up metric.

I am finally free, and now…I just need to keep going towards healing from over five years of trauma.

If you have read this far, I thank you dearly.

Sending all of my love & light to those who may be going through this same type of work environment, or that have gone through this type of environment🤍

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