
I’m done with this

I have a wagie job while I goto school. Someone quit and the whole place has gone to hell while they scramble to find someone to fill the role. I picked this job because I wanted almost sort of a part time gig but now I'm working full weeks including overnights without a day off. It was fine at first but it looks like this is going to continue and I just don't feel like waiting for things to get better. I'm quitting too, thought I'd share.

I have a wagie job while I goto school. Someone quit and the whole place has gone to hell while they scramble to find someone to fill the role. I picked this job because I wanted almost sort of a part time gig but now I'm working full weeks including overnights without a day off. It was fine at first but it looks like this is going to continue and I just don't feel like waiting for things to get better. I'm quitting too, thought I'd share.

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