
Does anyone else feel like the work culture in America is beyond help and absolutely ridiculous?

Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy work (sometimes) and the people I work with. I enjoy having a work life but does anyone else feel that the work culture in America is completely skewed? I feel like we’re conditioned to just work in America. Our work and what we do is the backbone of our identity. I’ve noticed everything is open nearly 24/7, never a day off for a company. In Europe, many shops close for an hour for lunch and sometimes close earlier on Friday’s so employees can enjoy a longer weekend. Some even close earlier during the summer so workers can enjoy the summer more. God forbid if that should ever happen in America. I really dislike how we work on vacation too. Some even bring their laptops for catching up with work while their at the beach or spending time with friends and family. And PTO? We,…

Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy work (sometimes) and the people I work with. I enjoy having a work life but does anyone else feel that the work culture in America is completely skewed? I feel like we’re conditioned to just work in America. Our work and what we do is the backbone of our identity. I’ve noticed everything is open nearly 24/7, never a day off for a company. In Europe, many shops close for an hour for lunch and sometimes close earlier on Friday’s so employees can enjoy a longer weekend. Some even close earlier during the summer so workers can enjoy the summer more. God forbid if that should ever happen in America. I really dislike how we work on vacation too. Some even bring their laptops for catching up with work while their at the beach or spending time with friends and family. And PTO? We, on average, have about two weeks? Whereas Europeans get double that? Why do we, as Americans, just have to work all the time? Why are we so work oriented? There is such an emphasis on working and so little attention to actually living your life. I’m not trying to bash the system or shit-talk it, but I just don’t understand this. I hope I articulated my feelings somewhat well.

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