
my boss yelled at me and I’m still crying. I want to quit but I feel like I’m being immature

Yesterday he yelled at me for something that was completely not my fault. He was going through a wrong google sheet and when i interrupted him and corrected him he only got more furious. I was so pissed but I told myself this is how adult life is and I just need to stop being egoistic that someone yelled at me. Today he yelled at me again for not working enough. And not closing any deals. It's been a month since I joined the company. Two other girls were hired with me. I made the first sales and they asked me to work on my day off and I did. And today he yelled and said I was not contributing enough and he kept repeating “did you even read my email” even when I answered he kept yelling and asking the same question. I then told him sir please don't…

Yesterday he yelled at me for something that was completely not my fault. He was going through a wrong google sheet and when i interrupted him and corrected him he only got more furious. I was so pissed but I told myself this is how adult life is and I just need to stop being egoistic that someone yelled at me.

Today he yelled at me again for not working enough. And not closing any deals. It's been a month since I joined the company. Two other girls were hired with me. I made the first sales and they asked me to work on my day off and I did. And today he yelled and said I was not contributing enough and he kept repeating “did you even read my email” even when I answered he kept yelling and asking the same question. I then told him sir please don't yell at me. Please give me the feedback and I'll work on it. This made him more angry and he yelled again saying I was passing time.

Last week this same boss was thanking. He said thank you for working over time. I see you have a lot in your plate thanks for managing it.

The two other girls in my team said he never asks for any update to them. And I have been crying since the call. I feel like a loser. I have never felt so low in my life. I feel like a failure. I don't want to continue here anymore. At first I thought I'll look for a new job and quit but I don't think I can. Please any advice?

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