
Glassdoor advice

Hi all! I work for a medical foundation (in the States, and that's as specific as I want to be) that has gone to absolute shit in the past few years. I want to leave a Glassdoor review to warn others to stay away. However, I need this job so I can't open myself up to any potential retaliation. Does anyone know what I can do so that I can be 100% sure that my Glassdoor review won't be tracked back to me?

Hi all! I work for a medical foundation (in the States, and that's as specific as I want to be) that has gone to absolute shit in the past few years. I want to leave a Glassdoor review to warn others to stay away. However, I need this job so I can't open myself up to any potential retaliation. Does anyone know what I can do so that I can be 100% sure that my Glassdoor review won't be tracked back to me?

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