
Boss is asking me to make materials but not giving me the tools or information needed to do so……not sure what to do.

So, I enjoy my job as much as is possible with how much caregiver burnout is involved. I started with my new company in January and have been successful with them during that time. I started out at the company with 40 scheduled hours a week. But a few parents decided to reduced hours a another wanted their old therapist back after she returned to maternity leave. All typical things to come up in the therapy community. We’ve added a few additional hours with existing clients but I kept asking for a few of my remaining time blocks to be filled. I’m currently at 26 hours a week which is a little low, I’d rather be between 30-32 hours. Which allows me to contribute to our home expenses but isn’t too many hours where I can’t deal with the burnout from caregiving. I’ve asked for two more of my blocks…

So, I enjoy my job as much as is possible with how much caregiver burnout is involved.
I started with my new company in January and have been successful with them during that time.

I started out at the company with 40 scheduled hours a week.
But a few parents decided to reduced hours a another wanted their old therapist back after she returned to maternity leave. All typical things to come up in the therapy community.

We’ve added a few additional hours with existing clients but I kept asking for a few of my remaining time blocks to be filled. I’m currently at 26 hours a week which is a little low, I’d rather be between 30-32 hours. Which allows me to contribute to our home expenses but isn’t too many hours where I can’t deal with the burnout from caregiving.

I’ve asked for two more of my blocks to be filled and my supervisor is working on that currently.

But occasionally, my supervisor has been sending me additional work to complete to try to make up these hours…which is fine. Typically it’s just been online trainings so I can do them anywhere.

But this past Friday, he sent me an email late in the morning, after I had already checked my email for the weekend, and told me to complete 6 hours of schedule sheets and PECS books (which is a ton and would require SIGNIFICANT materials to accomplish this.)

I didn’t see this until Monday afternoon.
I immediately emailed him asking how I would get the materials to make the items.
Can’t imagine they are expecting me to purchase these materials…it would literally cost upwards of 50 or more dollars with the laminating and the printing of pictures and the Velcro and schedule sheets I’d have to buy. And I wouldn’t even have time to go out to purchase the materials until tomorrow night.

I emailed him immediately yesterday afternoon and asked where I would get the materials to make these items, and I still haven’t heard back.

I would need to squeeze making all those materials in two hours Thursday morning and then the two hours I have free Friday morning this week. I’ll likely have to squeeze a trip to the office in as well…..

I’m not really sure how to proceed, but I cannot skip meals to accomplish these tasks…really don’t want to do it during my dinner time either…kinda annoying he’s ask me to do something I’m not trained to do nor something I have the materials to make.

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