
Companies should stop penalizing people who are 5 minutes late

I know, I know. Punctuality is a good attitude to have, and we all have schedules and deadlines to follow, and some people really have to be on time on the job (like doctors, pilots, nurses). But man, rushing for a low paying shit job so you won’t clock in at 7:01, or else you start getting paid at 7:15, is just another way of exploitation. It happens all the time in the factories and warehouses. The workers are stressed so much to make it on time that it reflects on their driving skills and attitude. Everyone is on a rush. They are forced to drive recklessly or be crammed into the bus/subway. People miss their breakfast, sleep and time with their families. These habits in turn leads to more dangerous driving and a hostile, stressed out community. And for what? For just few minutes missed? For a companies that…

I know, I know. Punctuality is a good attitude to have, and we all have schedules and deadlines to follow, and some people really have to be on time on the job (like doctors, pilots, nurses).

But man, rushing for a low paying shit job so you won’t clock in at 7:01, or else you start getting paid at 7:15, is just another way of exploitation. It happens all the time in the factories and warehouses. The workers are stressed so much to make it on time that it reflects on their driving skills and attitude. Everyone is on a rush. They are forced to drive recklessly or be crammed into the bus/subway. People miss their breakfast, sleep and time with their families. These habits in turn leads to more dangerous driving and a hostile, stressed out community. And for what? For just few minutes missed? For a companies that dictate what time you can and cannot make your money? You should be able to compensate the time you missed at the end of your shift so you won’t be rushing in the morning. These employers will make money, regardless of the time you come in. But they will vilify and penalize you if you are slightly late.

I am lucky enough to be employed be two companies who doesn’t give a shit what time I come in, as long as I do work. I do around 55-60 hours per week( i know, antiwork and all) but i feel like I have more free time than when I work 40 hrs in a company that is so uptight with their 7-3 schedule. I also feel more energy with this type of work setup because I work according to my energy that day. If I needs some rest, I do a few hours of work, and catch up with work when my body and mind is ready. My work is scheduled around my personal schedule, not the other way around.

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