
Stop a boomer in their tracks

Bring up that the tilt of earnings for owners and CEOs are 400x what the worker on the bottom makes. They'll say “because they own it!” Ask if that'd fly in a small group setting like a 20 person tribe. They'll say “no, of course not.” Then tell them the world is just a big tribe. Watch them spin in circles trying to convince you that others don't exist. Big tribe or small, there's no discernable difference unless the tribe consists of one person in someone's mind. The discernable difference is then a degree of separation.

Bring up that the tilt of earnings for owners and CEOs are 400x what the worker on the bottom makes.

They'll say “because they own it!”

Ask if that'd fly in a small group setting like a 20 person tribe.

They'll say “no, of course not.”

Then tell them the world is just a big tribe.

Watch them spin in circles trying to convince you that others don't exist.

Big tribe or small, there's no discernable difference unless the tribe consists of one person in someone's mind. The discernable difference is then a degree of separation.

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