
How does one even function as a member of society when they cant even function at all?

I think this goes well beyond to what Im about to write down here and Ill get to that in a sec. But lets say for example, the age old question would be “What do you do to contribute to society?” But thats just it, isn't it? Why in the hell would I want to contribute anything to society at all when I cant even contribute anything to myself and feel as if the more I contribute, I get nearly next to nothing in return? Prime example would be at the bottom of the totem pole, shit minimum wage jobs where you feel next to invisible with barely a “living wage”. And not to mention the mental strain is most dire to where it will take its toll on you over the many years it starts to escalate and thus turning you into what was known as a functioning member…

I think this goes well beyond to what Im about to write down here and Ill get to that in a sec. But lets say for example, the age old question would be “What do you do to contribute to society?” But thats just it, isn't it? Why in the hell would I want to contribute anything to society at all when I cant even contribute anything to myself and feel as if the more I contribute, I get nearly next to nothing in return? Prime example would be at the bottom of the totem pole, shit minimum wage jobs where you feel next to invisible with barely a “living wage”. And not to mention the mental strain is most dire to where it will take its toll on you over the many years it starts to escalate and thus turning you into what was known as a functioning member of society, to one who can not function at all.

So, in conclusion to my rant about the workforce is that this is just simply a rant I suppose. Chalk it up from my own experience I guess I should say over the many years and the damage it has done to me. No matter what title you hold in the work force either if you're up high or down low, the one thing you cant get back from any of that is yourself. Needless to say in closing here, I survived a suicide attempt three years ago and it took me a long time to recover from being in that mentally unwell dark state. Still not 100% but im getting there. No job is ever worth the tool it takes on you. And I want you to remember that for whoever reads this.

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