
TLDR; Need advice for my husband who is getting treated poorly at work. Finding another job really isn’t an option for us

Long wall of text incoming My husband is shipping/receiving at a large hospital He is on the autism spectrum which makes things a bit more difficult for him We live in rural alabama and he has to commute 50 miles one way to get to this job, finding another job would be very difficult because of having to commute around and he makes 17/hr at this one, pay like that is unheard of here. He has been at this job for 1 year I understand that medical facilities are a bitch to work in, they're understaffed and overworked, everyone is stressed. Basically shit has rolled down hill, because his boss is stressed, she is putting a lot on him. His job requires him to check in the deliveries, unload the product off the trucks, and put the product in the correct place in the warehouse. He keeps up with inventory,…

Long wall of text incoming

My husband is shipping/receiving at a large hospital

He is on the autism spectrum which makes things a bit more difficult for him

We live in rural alabama and he has to commute 50 miles one way to get to this job, finding another job would be very difficult because of having to commute around and he makes 17/hr at this one, pay like that is unheard of here. He has been at this job for 1 year

I understand that medical facilities are a bitch to work in, they're understaffed and overworked, everyone is stressed.

Basically shit has rolled down hill, because his boss is stressed, she is putting a lot on him. His job requires him to check in the deliveries, unload the product off the trucks, and put the product in the correct place in the warehouse. He keeps up with inventory, but does not do actual ordering, if counts are wrong then he emails his boss because she has to fix the counts.

Lately, it is suspected that someone is coming into the warehouse (probably during 3rd shift) and taking product directly off the shelves without requesting the item (using the correct procedure in their computer system adjusts the count automatically)

So a recent situation, the computer says they have 5 cases of NICU bottle nipples, someone comes to the warehouse and grabs 2 off the shelf without going into the computer, the computer continues to say there is 5 but there's only 3. Then next week, they need all 5 boxes and it gets requested… but there's only 3 to give them.

So then the nursing director goes to my husband's boss and basically says he is incompetent, my husband tries to defend himself (provides paper trail proof that he checked in the correct quantity) and is told he is deflecting blame and being disrespectful.

Now repeat this situation over and over and over with different items. He told me he is getting tired of being chewed out every other day… he's being accused of moving too fast, not paying enough attention, typing incorrect amounts in the computer.

I said, well why can't she look at the cameras? Because she's too busy and doesn't have time. I think it's just easier to keep blaming him.

He is depressed, he loves his job. And he keeps trying harder and harder to make sure he is doing every step thoroughly. But he still is at fault for all of this missing product and he doesn't know what to do.

I'm not there, I don't know what's going on, and I can't just call up his boss and cuss her out. (I would have quit this job real fast)

But he says it's easier to just accept the chewing than to try and defend himself. That's not fair. He comes early, stays late, works on his off days, all to try and prove he isnt incompetent but it hasnt made a difference.

He doesn't know the words to say. He doesn't know how to approach anybody with his concerns. He has severe anxiety and is too scared of being fired, or worse, to be told he just isn't competent enough for the job and they move him to a lower position somewhere else in the hospital.

Is there anyone out there that has read this and has advice

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