
My bosses boss treats me different (also have autism)

I have been working at my current company for almost 2.5 years. It’s been the worst experience so far. Last year there was an employee that had SEVERE anger issues while going through a divorce. She would talk about domestic violence literally EVERY SHIFT, about how she keeps a baseball bat in her car, how she wanted to hit this girl with her car if she saw her, would say the N word constantly, talked terribly about coworkers. I sent an email to my boss explaining all of this (and there’s way more) he told me I was taking things personally. After he had proof these things were happening I still had to work with her because he didn’t see her as an “actual” threat, just someone that talks big and bad. About two weeks after she got fired he told me that I needed to have a backbone literally…

I have been working at my current company for almost 2.5 years. It’s been the worst experience so far. Last year there was an employee that had SEVERE anger issues while going through a divorce. She would talk about domestic violence literally EVERY SHIFT, about how she keeps a baseball bat in her car, how she wanted to hit this girl with her car if she saw her, would say the N word constantly, talked terribly about coworkers. I sent an email to my boss explaining all of this (and there’s way more) he told me I was taking things personally. After he had proof these things were happening I still had to work with her because he didn’t see her as an “actual” threat, just someone that talks big and bad. About two weeks after she got fired he told me that I needed to have a backbone literally like almost 10 times, making it feel like it was my fault. He even told me “I’m not telling you to change your personality buuuttt..” A few months after my hand was aching so badly and I told him it hurt so badly that it felt like it was burning. He told me to “put my brace on, take paid medicine even though it probably won’t help, I don’t know what to tell you.” This was before I went to a specialist and just recently had surgery over it. He has told me several times that I don’t know enough but when I try learning more it’a that i am doing too much. I am so fed up with this. The problem is that I know him personally. I also have autism as well and want to talk to my boss about the situation but I am scared that I will be too blunt and cause problems because it’s his boss. How should I go about this? I lack the communication skills to know when I am going too far

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