
I just learned I was probably exposed to an insane amount of asbestos.

Yesterday my manager asked me to scrape off and throw away the old tile flooring. No safety protocols or proper tools, just a shovel, a hoe/pick, and gardening gloves. The tiles were easily crumbling and producing dust, which I’ve now learned is called friable asbestos. I only wore a regular “covid mask” about half the time because I had no idea what I was working with. When I blew my nose on the way home, it was black. Today I learned that tile is from the 1960s-1970 and probably contains asbestos. They haven’t tested it, or warned any employees. Plumes of asbestos laden dust swirled in the shop as employees and customers walked around! Upon learning this I naturally freaked out and was met with a shoulder shrug from my manager. I asked him to get it tested, even offered to pay, with no response yet. A quick google revealed…

Yesterday my manager asked me to scrape off and throw away the old tile flooring. No safety protocols or proper tools, just a shovel, a hoe/pick, and gardening gloves. The tiles were easily crumbling and producing dust, which I’ve now learned is called friable asbestos. I only wore a regular “covid mask” about half the time because I had no idea what I was working with. When I blew my nose on the way home, it was black.

Today I learned that tile is from the 1960s-1970 and probably contains asbestos. They haven’t tested it, or warned any employees. Plumes of asbestos laden dust swirled in the shop as employees and customers walked around! Upon learning this I naturally freaked out and was met with a shoulder shrug from my manager. I asked him to get it tested, even offered to pay, with no response yet.

A quick google revealed this is most likely a huge OSHA violation. I collected some remaining tile pieces for testing, because I don’t trust them to do it at this point. If any one has experience with (potential) dangerous workplace exposure, I would take any advice I can get. I’m afraid I’ve unknowingly done irreversible damage to my health.

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