
How do you deal with managers that have no work-life balance?

I've always noticed a type of person that sets me off is the type that make their job their entire life. They always try to make it like a cute thing how much they work and brag about how unhealthy they are. They chug energy drinks and laugh about how they'll have a heart attack soon, often because they have a heart defect or like a family history of heart disease. They go out of their way to get people to worry about them because of how much they work. I had a manager like this that had a big impact on me because they would literally have panic attacks every other day or get into screaming fights with people because either no one was as “dedicated” as they were or like one time I heard them say something like “what do people do on their time off? I basically…

I've always noticed a type of person that sets me off is the type that make their job their entire life. They always try to make it like a cute thing how much they work and brag about how unhealthy they are. They chug energy drinks and laugh about how they'll have a heart attack soon, often because they have a heart defect or like a family history of heart disease. They go out of their way to get people to worry about them because of how much they work.

I had a manager like this that had a big impact on me because they would literally have panic attacks every other day or get into screaming fights with people because either no one was as “dedicated” as they were or like one time I heard them say something like “what do people do on their time off? I basically go home and twiddle my thumbs until the weekend is over.” They also often talk about how mentally ill they are but refuse to get help because “I'm too messed up for therapy” like….are you serious?

At my current job, a work friend got promoted to a management position, and they literally don't go home because “if I do, I'll drink.” And they've been getting into arguments with people because they don't want anyone leaving until our boss leaves. Our boss is kind of inconsistent about the issue because she is always mad that people don't work enough, but she also doesn't seem to care all that much. It's more that she cares about time management, but then will get mad if you leave work on time too often. (I'm looking for a new job atm, but this one has a lot of perks so I'm hesitant to just call it quits)

A thing that bugs me a lot with my work friend though is that she has started low key accusing me of being a spoiled brat/entitled because I have been very open about my career goals. My boss is also very aware and doesn't really care as long as I do my work. This job is not my preferred career field, and I am just working here to pay the bills while I work toward getting into my preferred field. That means I try to get out of work as early as possible, but I am definitely willing to stay longer since they made me hourly and we recently had a really hectic period. But things have calmed down, so I am trying to go back to working less.

These people often insinuate that I am somehow spoiled or entitled because I try to make as much money as I can with as little work as possible. Usually that just means I do my job and try to go home on time. I tend to schedule therapy sessions for my anxiety issues on my lunch break, and they've been irritated with me because that means that some days I leave for an hour. They act like that is completely crazy, but then they try to joke with people about how terrible their life is or joke about being single alcoholics or how they have heart palpitations from all the caffeine they drink.

Since I got on medication for my anxiety and started therapy, I've really started noticing how sad it is. It almost seems like a cry for help at times. They seem to bounce between being fine to trying to convince people how cute it is that they have no work-life balance to they deeply resent people who are trying to improve their work-life balance or set boundaries.

TLDR; there is a type of person that has no concept of work-life balance, who does not want to work on themselves, who has no hobbies or interests and is unwilling to look for any, who resents people for having a life outside of work, and I've noticed they rarely grow beyond middle management. They used to terrorize me, but since I started working on my anxiety, it's like I VERY SUDDENLY started seeing them for how sad they really are. Have you ever experienced this kind of person? How do you deal with them?

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