
I wish we could even the playing field. I’ll explain

What I mean is that we cannot talk back to our bosses. Even though they disrespect us, belittle us or are condescending. So many times I've wanted to say to them “FUCK YOU” and “FUCK YOUR 15 MINUTES CRASH COURSE JOB TRAINING “. One boss told us in a meeting “I'll be leaving to the other warehouse. Please behave ” while laughing at what he said. I wanted to tell him “we're all fucking adults here Shawn. You should trust that we'll do our jobs”. I think I'll start talking back on my next job. Just my two cents.

What I mean is that we cannot talk back to our bosses. Even though they disrespect us, belittle us or are condescending. So many times I've wanted to say to them “FUCK YOU” and “FUCK YOUR 15 MINUTES CRASH COURSE JOB TRAINING “.
One boss told us in a meeting “I'll be leaving to the other warehouse. Please behave ” while laughing at what he said. I wanted to tell him “we're all fucking adults here Shawn. You should trust that we'll do our jobs”.

I think I'll start talking back on my next job.
Just my two cents.

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