
Costing My Company Millions Of Dollars

Been reading up on how companies will spend millions of dollars attempting to thwart efforts to unionize. Sometimes they'll even hire union busting companies to help them, which costs them even more millions of dollars. Dollars that could have been used to pay higher wages or offer better benefits in the first place. I live in a place and work for a company that has no chance of ever unionizing. So I've decided to run a little social experiment. I'm going to start leaving union flyers and such around as well as engaging in other activities that are considered red flags by the union busters. My primary mission is to tie up their time and resources chasing ghosts. Who knows though? They could just ignore the whole thing. Either way it's worth a giggle and half and will be a fun way to celebrate this independence day weekend. Wish me…

Been reading up on how companies will spend millions of dollars attempting to thwart efforts to unionize. Sometimes they'll even hire union busting companies to help them, which costs them even more millions of dollars. Dollars that could have been used to pay higher wages or offer better benefits in the first place.

I live in a place and work for a company that has no chance of ever unionizing. So I've decided to run a little social experiment. I'm going to start leaving union flyers and such around as well as engaging in other activities that are considered red flags by the union busters.

My primary mission is to tie up their time and resources chasing ghosts. Who knows though? They could just ignore the whole thing. Either way it's worth a giggle and half and will be a fun way to celebrate this independence day weekend. Wish me luck, and if you decide to do something similar at your place of work; stay safe, stay anonymous, and most of all have fun.

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