I signed on almost a year ago to work a full time position at a community center that is open 9am-8pm. My agreed upon hours as the manager were 9am-5:30pm as long as the evening hours were covered by 3 part time staff. We are undergoing some Director changes and because of this the program is being looked at with fresh eyes. The fresh eyes want there to be a manager closing the center (even though we have had zero issues with the part time staff closing). They changed my work schedule to 11:30am-8pm with two weeks notice. This will leave one part time person to open the center alone.
The reason this is such a problem for me (other than the obvious switcheroo they pulled, them going back on their word, and the obvious flaws to their logic) is that I have another part time job that I occasionally work in the evenings. I also sit on the board of a nonprofit and we tend to meet in the evenings.
Is there anything I can do to get them to keep me working during normal business hours? What would you do?