
You ever feel like things are only bad because the older generations haven’t woken up?

I'm a mechanic and my industry is the worst trade there is. Our pay structure is terrible the whole flat rate system use to benefit the fast techs and good techs but now you have to be a cocaine addict to be fast enough to make hours. I'm chasing hours rather then making hours. The labor times go down every year. Theirs no regular maintenance items to bulk our hours anymore. I'm selling snakeoil services just to make some hours and I hate it. I don't want to sell something that does nothing just to make hours. Warranty times is even worse lower labor times and no time to do the job properly. No one makes enough hours doing Warranty. It's frustrating and my boss just makes it worse. Thanks for reading my ranting it's been a day. I only flagged .30 hours today cus I'm getting my ass handed…

I'm a mechanic and my industry is the worst trade there is. Our pay structure is terrible the whole flat rate system use to benefit the fast techs and good techs but now you have to be a cocaine addict to be fast enough to make hours. I'm chasing hours rather then making hours. The labor times go down every year. Theirs no regular maintenance items to bulk our hours anymore. I'm selling snakeoil services just to make some hours and I hate it. I don't want to sell something that does nothing just to make hours. Warranty times is even worse lower labor times and no time to do the job properly. No one makes enough hours doing Warranty. It's frustrating and my boss just makes it worse. Thanks for reading my ranting it's been a day. I only flagged .30 hours today cus I'm getting my ass handed to me by replacing an engine under warranty. Don't buy a jeep for the love of God don't. They are shit.

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