
Why is no one taking to the streets?

**Mods- please remove if necessary. I'm not trying to start an uprising or anything, but after all the shit that the SCOTUS is pulling why aren't people protesting in the US? They ended affirmative action in education and just ruled that student loan forgiveness is illegal. What the actual fuck? We need to remove all justices on all levels who were appointed by a criminal POTUS immediately after he is convicted. We need to have a general strike.

**Mods- please remove if necessary.

I'm not trying to start an uprising or anything, but after all the shit that the SCOTUS is pulling why aren't people protesting in the US? They ended affirmative action in education and just ruled that student loan forgiveness is illegal. What the actual fuck? We need to remove all justices on all levels who were appointed by a criminal POTUS immediately after he is convicted. We need to have a general strike.

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