
Just quit a shitty job

So I dropped out of school and needed to get a job to help my gf out w rent. I got a job a few months ago that pays barely over minimum wage, so better than nothing. It's not hard work, but it can be very stressful if it's busy. My manager(GM) had to take care of something family related so I was left to run the store alone for a week, with no extra pay. It has been the busiest week I've ever seen there, the company is also making record profit right now. I called in sick 3 days ago but my GM was unexpectedly not back yet and the area manager(AM)(who is above my manager) said I have to come in anyway, GM saying I could take the next day off. I went in, wrote my letter of resignation and 2 weeks, finished the day and went…

  So I dropped out of school and needed to get a job to help my gf out w rent. I got a job a few months ago that pays barely over minimum wage, so better than nothing. It's not hard work, but it can be very stressful if it's busy.
  My manager(GM) had to take care of something family related so I was left to run the store alone for a week, with no extra pay. It has been the busiest week I've ever seen there, the company is also making record profit right now. I called in sick 3 days ago but my GM was unexpectedly not back yet and the area manager(AM)(who is above my manager) said I have to come in anyway, GM saying I could take the next day off. I went in, wrote my letter of resignation and 2 weeks, finished the day and went home.
  That next morning, I was called by the AM to come in and help because it was super busy. I told her, "After careful consideration, I have made the difficult decision to resign from my employment earlier than expected. I will not return to my post.  This is what's best for my mental and physical health. Thank you for your understanding and I apologize for the inconvenience this causes you." 
  Luckily for me I already had another job lined up in time for this. Don't stay at a shitty job. If they tolerate shitty treatment or management, they aren't worth working for. I'd rather make minimum wage doing what I love than making 3x that doing something I hate. Hopefully I like this new job.

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