
Should I warn my team of upcoming union change?

I am a perfect exemple of the peter principle. I got promotion to my level of incompetence. I never hid that fact, I always told my employee that i was a terrible boss and i hated my duty. I manage 4 employee, that are part of a union. 3 of them i am thoroughly ashamed of. Hygiene issue, below high school grammar. Below par work. 2 of them have court date coming in the coming month. I was pushed them by management. I tried to tell them to clean their act, grow up, and as long as other department didnt complain, I wouldnt have issue with them. Despite warning, they gave less than a fuck for their job, which i completely understand. Their union contract is up for renogotiation, and one of the key point management is not negotiating on is that those 4 jobs are going to be cancelled…

I am a perfect exemple of the peter principle. I got promotion to my level of incompetence. I never hid that fact, I always told my employee that i was a terrible boss and i hated my duty.

I manage 4 employee, that are part of a union. 3 of them i am thoroughly ashamed of. Hygiene issue, below high school grammar. Below par work. 2 of them have court date coming in the coming month. I was pushed them by management. I tried to tell them to clean their act, grow up, and as long as other department didnt complain, I wouldnt have issue with them.

Despite warning, they gave less than a fuck for their job, which i completely understand.

Their union contract is up for renogotiation, and one of the key point management is not negotiating on is that those 4 jobs are going to be cancelled to substitute them for 2 corporate jobs. I tried to fight that idea. I tried to provide as much proof as i could of their usefulness, but only 1/4 of my team provided me with anything to fight for. 2 of them couldnt event bathe properly.

I was directly and stricly forbidden to discuss union matter with my employees. The thing is my one good employee is very tight with the union. So it either i tell him that his job will be cancelled in a few week, risking my own job, or i dont say anything and screw up the life of a good man and employee.

I tried to argue with management that he was good and i could make him even better, but he was sadly lumped with the rest of the department that was dumped on me.

So help me, what should i do?

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