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Here's one idea: most companies only need people to come to the office who need more experienced supervisors for mentoring, guidance, training etc. Usually the new people who are just starting out. Now, they can't afford to live in the big cities, no one can at a starting salary. The company has space in their buildings, and the budget to renovate those spaces into dorms. So, why not just convert all of those office spaces into dorms for discount low-cost or even subsidized housing for the new employees who need to save their money? When they advance, get raises, and start families, they'll want to move out into a bedroom community or suburb and make room for a new employee in the dorm. Just like college, only you get paid to be there instead of paying them. Everyone benefits, because the dorm life folks will keep what's left of downtown…

Here's one idea: most companies only need people to come to the office who need more experienced supervisors for mentoring, guidance, training etc. Usually the new people who are just starting out. Now, they can't afford to live in the big cities, no one can at a starting salary. The company has space in their buildings, and the budget to renovate those spaces into dorms. So, why not just convert all of those office spaces into dorms for discount low-cost or even subsidized housing for the new employees who need to save their money? When they advance, get raises, and start families, they'll want to move out into a bedroom community or suburb and make room for a new employee in the dorm. Just like college, only you get paid to be there instead of paying them. Everyone benefits, because the dorm life folks will keep what's left of downtown alive, the businesses get to justify their buildings, the housing prices drop a little, and companies can add discount housing to their job offers. Question is: how will capitalists abuse this?

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